December 17
Crossroads December 17th
Surf Lifesaving Club Cabarina Beach NSW
Angela Schumann
Wow, what an insanely hectic day. I feel like it packed itself so full on purpose, just out of spite, because it knew that I would have to blog about it all at the end!
We have had both successes and tragedies. We all had to get up at 5am (already a tragedy for me!), pack our stuff, say morning prayer and get to Mass at the Cathedral for 8am Mass. Afterwards we were joined by three brave young people who accompanied us for the day’s walking, and a man from Life Site News who did some filming.
We completed the day’s walking, not as planned, and reached our destination at Cabarina Beach.
I guess the easiest way to sum up today is by listing its awesome events and its tragic events, as it was full of such reeling highs and lows.
Let’s start with the bad news:
- The RV camper van was broken into while we were at Mass
- Bec, who is filming us and has been working on her documentary since April, had her bag stolen, with the hardrive, which had all of her work on it since then, gone. She has no backup, it is lost.
- Stephen also had his bag stolen, but it contained only undies.
- While the majority of us continued on and walked those who stayed behind in the RV had a power loss with the cigarette lighter, which meant that not only was their GPS completely dead, but all of their phones, which uncannily all ran out of battery, could not be recharged, and so we couldn’t reach them.
It is clear that the devil does not want us to do this work.
Now for the good news:
- We completed our first day of Crossroads walking! Woo!
- None of the other bags were stolen
- One of the guys, Luke, who joined us for the day, donated to us a guitar! He even put new strings on it for us.
- We all made it safely here and met up at the Lifesaving club
- We had fish and chips On the balcony overlooking the beach and most of us went for a swim
- Miryjana joined us tonight- John and I picked her up from the airport.
We are all ridiculously tired, and have another early start, but our walk leaders are doing an absolutely incredible job- truly I think we are all in awe of them. Bec handled her loss with amazing maturity and forbearance, and is going to continue to film. I’m very proud of her for handling it so well.
I think the lesson of the day is perseverance. It’s been a toughy, but God is stronger, and He wants us here. We got a lot of encouragement from passing vehicles while we were walking, and a couple of bystanders as well, which was really uplifting.
“It was then that I carried you”.